Email Address Encoder

This form will allow you to encode your e-mail address through the use of Character Entities, transforming your ascii email address into its equivalent decimal entity. Simply enter your regular e-mail address in the first text box, click the encode button, and then highlight and copy the resulting code produced in the second text box. This encoded e-mail address can be read and translated back into its original ascii text by almost any web browser without any further action on your part. Just replace all instances of your e-mail address on your pages with the code, and you won’t have to worry (too much) about spam lists.

It may also help you with getting around those pesky automated forum censors, so you can post whatever you bloody well like.

For example

On the visible web page:

“For more information, send email to”

In the source code for the web page, the above should look like this:

“For more information, send email to <a href=”mailto:&#121;&#111;&#117;&#114;&#110;&#097;&#109;&#101;

Note: This technique is not by any means a foolproof solution – high end software such as that used by Google’s™ search engine can still sniff out your email address regardless. But this technique will still certainly go a long way towards minimizing your exposure to less capable automated email harvesters.

Regular E-mail Address:

Encoded E-mail Address:

Original Script Design:

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