Win32/Phorpiex Virus

Spread via Skype and Facebook

Win32/Phorpiex stands for a family of worms that are distributed through removable drives and IM (instant messaging) programs. These worms also permit backdoor access and control. The presence of this malware may be evidence by certain system amendments in removable drives, in particular, by the presence of hidden files, together with shortcuts that appear as folder icons. Another way of how this scam can be spread is via instant messaging programs. Through their backdoor functionality, Win32/Phorpiex examples can be commanded to spread either themselves or other viruses through instant messaging software. When commanded by hackers to do so, the malware checks if any of the instant messaging programs are running on your system. Today there’s a large number of such viruses being spread via Skype as well. In the majority of cases, this virus infects the Skype program and may cause the occurrence (appearance) of strange popups (messages) that prompt the user into opening the link allegedly having some picture of user. The tricky way the virus sets out this statement makes users click the link, thus installing the malware into the system.

There are various variations of such messages with links about alleged pictures of user, and they can be received in various
countries of the world where this virus is popular. Here’s some examples:

In Armenian:
• նայել այս նկարը
In Belarusian and Ukrainian:
• подивися на цю фотографію
In Bulgarian:
• Погледнете тази снимка
In Chinese:
• 看看這張照片
In Dutch:
• ken je dat foto nog?
• kijk wat voor een foto ik heb gevonden
• ik hoop dat jij het net bent op dit foto
• ben jij dat op dit foto?
• dit foto zal je echt eens bekijken!
• ken je dit foto al?
In English:
• tell me what you think of this picture i edited
• this is the funniest photo ever!
• tell me what you think of this photo
• i don’t think i will ever sleep again after seeing this photo
• i cant believe i still have this picture
• should i make this my default picture?
In German:
• wie findest du das foto?
• hab ich dir das foto schon gezeigt?
• schau mal das foto an
• schau mal welches foto ich gefunden hab
• bist du das auf dem foto?
• kennst du das foto schon?
In Greek:
• ματιά σε αυτή την εικόνα
In Hebrew:
• להסתכל על התמונה הזאת
In Italian:
• ti piace la foto?
• hai visto questa foto?
• la foto e grandiosa!
• ti ricordi la Foto?
• conosci la persona in questa foto?
• chi e in questa foto?
In Japanese:
• この写真を見て
In Korean:
• 이 사진을 봐
In Latvian:
• Ieskatieties šajā attēlā
In Lithuanian:
• pažvelgti į šį vaizdą
In Maltese:
• iħares lejn dan ir-ritratt
In Portuguese:
• olhar para esta foto
In Romanian:
• nu imi mai voi face niciodat poze!! toate ies urate ca asta.
• spune-mi ce crezi despre poza asta.
• asta e ce-a mai funny poza! tu ce zici?
• zimi ce crezi despre poza asta?
In Russian:
• посмотри на эту фотографию
In Spanish:
• creo que no voy a poder dormir más despues de ver esta foto. mirá.
• esta foto es graciosísima! que decis?
• mis padres me van a matar si ven esta foto mia, que decis?
• mira como saliste en esta foto jajaja
In Thai:
• ดูรูปนี้

We strongly urge users to be extremely careful with any links that prompt you to open them in order to see some picture or video claiming to be of you. Instead, we recommend you to avoid clicking them at all and scan your system with the help of a legitimate and powerful security application such as ESET NOD32 Antivirus.


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